The Diabetic Health Coach                                 

The Diabetic Health Coach

I started with an exercise programme and diet programme and things began to improve dramatically over the first three months until I had the second covid jab. After that and coinciding with easing of lock down I found it difficult to remain motivated but inspite of this I had Vanessa supporting me and as she pointed out )following my HBAC1 in May reading of 83 and my most recent reading of 74 in July ((this second period has been the period of difficulty)) I managed to keep things basically under control and not regress into bad habits. Even when I did stray with eating takeaway food and cakes I reported anclk and was at least aware that I had not done well but managed to exercise and not lose control and regress. After a difficult period I reassessed my diet and am now well back on track.

Please Read

All the information provided by myself (Vanessa Haydock) - is based on my own experience living with Type 1 Diabetes, as well as my expertise as a personal trainer, nutritional advisor, life coach and board certified behaviour analyst (BCBA).

I am not a medical professional nor a dietician, therefore cannot give advice on medication requirements, information on medication, tailored macronutrient plans or supplementation advice to those with Diabetes.

If you have any queries regarding medication or macronutrients, it is advised that you consult your diabetes doctor/GP, dietician or other professional healthcare providers.

You should never manipulate medication, discontinue medication, nor introduce other medications because of information read on my social media sites or website.